Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Iran calls for US nuclear apology
US urges more sanctions on Iran"

The news with the above title published in bbc , focused on the US and its allies fear about Iran nuclear program after the circulation of the latest International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) report, praised Iran for making progress in responding to questions about Tehran past nuclear activities , but agency also found that Iran has not provided the information about its current nuclear activities; as a result agency proposed some outstanding questions faced with Iran policy of modality.
IAEA also believes that it is necessary for Iran to:
reestablish full and sustained suspension of all enrichment-related and processing activities, including research and development, to be verified by the Agency; reconsider the construction of a research reactor moderated by heavy water; ratify promptly and implement in full Additional Protocol;
pending ratification, continue to act in accordance with the provisions of the Additional Protocol with Iran signed on 18 December 2003; implement the transparency measures, as requested by the Director General, which extend beyond the former requirements of the Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol, and include such access to individuals, documentation relating to procurement, dual use equipment, certain military-owned workshops and research and development as the Agency may request in support of its ongoing investigations.

US attitudes toward IAEA latest report

Since Iran's uranium enrichment program besides the outstanding questions have highlighted in IAEA latest report; US , UK and France decided to ask tough questions about Iran nuke activities to make the process of uranium enrichment vague and ambiguous and also to increase pressure by setting new sanctions against Tehran .

I believe that United States , Britain and France actually tend to destroy Iran international face in eyes of the world by influencing public opinions to believe that Iran with intention to develop nuclear weapons is against the global peace.
Although IAEA noted that the answers Iran had given about the history of its centrifuge program were consistent with the agency's own findings (reveals Iran's progress in bilateral talks between Tehran and agency )US insists on its prejudgment that Iran can not answer outstanding questions properly and concludes that Iran is uninterested in working with other countries.US and other countries such as Britain and France believes that IAEA is still unable to provide assurance that Iran’s program is peaceful proposing basic questions such as:
If Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful, why did they hide it for 18 years?
If Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful, why won’t Iran’s leaders cooperate with the IAEA to clear up the many remaining uncertainties about what they have been doing and why?
If Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful, why does it have unexplained ties to the A. Q. Kahn network and unexplained ties to Iran’s military program?
If Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful, why does Iran possess a document on fabricating nuclear-weapons components?

Iran reaction toward US prejudgment and IAEA report

Iran calls for US apology because America has condemned Iran for having nuclear weapons without any evidences . Also Tehran celebrates IAEA as a "political victory" because" the report once again proves that Iran has constantly told the truth about the peaceful nature of its nuclear program" president Mahmood Ahmadinejad proclaimed victoriously.

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