Sunday, January 20, 2008

America in the eyes of Iranian young generation

24 years ago: Iran is under the attack of Iraqi troops. The sounds of crying and moaning can be heard from every where. People are running, children are looking to the sky wondering what are that big black birds above their heads, they are trying to understand what is going on to the world of eldest. They have many questions to ask; "Mom, where is my father?! Why I should hurry to go to downstairs while I am playing with my dole?! We are escaping from what? Why those men I have seen in the television hate us?!... .

The early life of my generation intermingled with the hatred of the ex-leader of Iraq government, Saddam Hussein, who invaded to Iran in 29 September, 1980 and killed many of my people.
It was odd to us that why other countries especially the United States of America that always talked about the democracy not only stopped Saddam Hussein from invasion but also equipped his troops with war equipments even put the sanction on Iran during the war and in aftermath. It is good to know that During the 1980s, when Iraq was in a war with Iran, Donald Rumsfeld met Saddam Hussein, our enemy, and maintained cordial relations with him as a bulwark against Iran.
On July 3, 1988 actually towards the end of the war between Iraq and Iran the United States military ship shot a civilian aircraft with 275 passengers and 15 crews and killed all of them with out any excuse. Although America tried to make the world believe that they had shot the civilian airline by mistake instead of F-14 Tomcat fighter but Iranian government and Iranian people never believed their justification. The United States of America never apologized for killing all those innocent Iranian people.
For what the America did against Iranian people (and it is still doing), my generation have no clear impression about this country.
But I should be honest here and mention that there are many Iranians who live in America and I have heard from most of my compatriots, that they have many good American friends. Most of them believe that Americans like their families, they are against war, they don’t tolerate death of innocent people and they believe in God and morality like Iranians.
But there is a difference between Iranians and Americans, we distinct the American people from the American politicians so we respect them as we rspect all the people in the world while the American people either haven’t heard about our ancient civilization at all or they have a serious misunderstanding ,especially after 9/11 incidents, about Iranians. They mistaken us as Iraqi people accepted that Iranians are terrorists through all wrong images and news they have been bombarded by their own mass media.
American people hate us with no reason; we have freedom, rich culture, and ancient civilization in Iran. Iranians are kind, pacifist and so intelligent.
So the American studies are a scientific way help the people of these two countries to know each other impartially. Through this field I and my friend as MA students of American Studies will know the America and its people and will introduce the true and real image of our ancient civilization to Americans.

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