Thursday, January 3, 2008

جمعه 9 آذر ماه سال 1386
“Cautious hope for Mid-East talks”

“The US, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have voiced hope that a conference in Maryland could produce a starting point for serious peace negotiations. Speaking at a dinner for participants, US President George W Bush expressed his "personal commitment" towards resolving the conflict. But he warned "difficult compromises" lay ahead for both sides. Correspondents say expectations for Tuesday's meeting in the city of Annapolis are modest. More than 40 organisations and countries, including Saudi Arabia and Syria, are attending the conference at a US naval academy. The US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, has been meeting Israeli and Palestinian teams in an effort to clinch a joint statement that sets out an outline for how negotiations will proceed post-Annapolis.” Tuesday , 27 November 2007

History of failed peace talks

There had been many negotiations over the last 40 years on the Arab _ Israel peace treaty . although some of them were successful like the negotiations between Egypt and Israel and Israel and Jordan , but most of them failed faced with many obstacles on the peace process .

Security Council Resolution 242,1996 ( land exchange for peace),Camp David Accords , 1978 (giving back the highlands of the west bank to Jordan by Israel ) , Madrid Conference , 1991 ( following up Israel _ Egypt treaty , co-sponsored by US and Soviet Union ) , Israel _Syrian Talks (Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights ) ,Oslo Agreement , 1993 ( resolve all the problems of the previous talks ) , Camp David , 2000 ( speeding up the self- governing of the Oslo ) , TABA , 2001 ( Israel accepted east Jerusalem as the capital of Palestinian state ) , Saudi peace plan , 2002 ( using multilateral approach instead of bilateral one in order to put the dispute to the end ) , Road Map ,2003 ( plan drawn up by the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations suggested how the settlement should be approached ) , Geneva Accord , 2003 ( reversing the concept of road map ) .

Although Mr. Olmert and Mr. Abbas had promised to cooperate at the Annapolis Conference , signed the manifesto to stop the conflict between for the sake of their people ; At the end that conference reminded us the Camp David failed in the peace process between Israel and Palestine .

US president George W Bosh at the Annapolis conference also tried revive the road map plan and the quarter peace committee but the point is that Annapolis had been born dead .
Although he made an attempt to convince Israel and Palestine for the international support but It is clear that US has the unambitious definition of success at Annapolis .

Palestinians’ reaction toward the Annapolis Conference

While mr. Olmert and Mr. Abbas were in the United states to talk about the middle east peace plan , Palestinians with experience of giving up their dreams as the price of peace in 1990s protested against the Annapolis Conference held in US where they didn’t accept it as the qualified country to be the host of middle east peace plan .

Iran reaction toward the Annapolis Conference Iran also protested against the Annapolis conference which held in US , claimed that pre-defeated conference was just the propaganda for Zionists and to show that the Arab countries are the United States alliances .
“But the US should allow the Arab people (not leaders) to express their standpoints to reflect the real sentiments on the Zionist (Israeli) regime," Ahmadinejad said.
Etemad newspaper

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