Thursday, January 3, 2008

یکشنبه 20 آبان ماه سال 1 یکشنبه 20 آبان ماه سال 1386
On 9 November BBC published a news about Germany's Angela Merkel travel to the US president's Texas ranch for talks to focus on Iran's nuclear stand-off.

As their last meeting held in Washington asked Russia , the EU , the US , and the UN to play a larger role in the Middle-East peace process , Angela Merkel and Gorge w. Bush new meeting in Texas had been devoted to discuss again about Middle- East peace process with focus on Iran uranium enrichment , made an attempt to convince the Iranian regime to stop their nuclear programs.

New Global Transatlantic Agenda

These meeting reveals that Merkel and Bush are good colleges with good working relationships based on common interests in the area of Middle-East.
But to discuss what is the origin of these German-American relations it is necessary to reach back to what Walter Russell Mead pointed out about German-American relations leads to new global transatlantic agenda.
Henry Kissinger reminded that America needed to craft a common agenda and to work issues with Europe and one of the candidate for that agenda could be Iran . To discuss about the reasons of why Germany and US have a good working relations emphasizing on 2 elements helps us to understand this issue better.
First, stable relationships between US and Germany as a precondition for progress toward European integration .
Second and more important one in the case of Iran nuclear programs is the importance of the area now cussing the greatest disputes between them , the Middle-east , where Germany and US have major common interests .
Therefore they need a strategic dialogue leading to common policies especially toward Iran nuclear programs .

Since a new German government is likely to agree with a policy of no use of power in Iran ,it is possible to analyze American foreign policies toward Iran .

Also German chancellor Angela Merkel meeting with Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah is a case proves that Germany tries to do the best as US college for the issue of Middle East peace process with focus on Iran nuclear programs.

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